
Electrical, Energy, ESD and Building Compliance

Building Performance & Compliance

Our engineers are capable of a wide range of Building Compliance services for residential developments, commercial buildings or industrial facilities. Our expertise includes:


  • BUILDING COMPliance for electrical services design

  • building compliance for dry fire services design

Section J as per National Construction Code

Section J assessments are regulated by the National Code of Construction (NCC) in regards to energy efficiency for commercial buildings (classification 2-9). 

An energy efficiency assessment assesses a building’s conformance against Section J of the NCC. EES can assess residential, commercial, education and industrial classes of buildings and can perform a wide range of assessments including thermal calculation (Verification Method / JV3 assessment) or Deemed-to-Satisfy assessments (minimum requirements).

Deemed to Satisfy

Our Section J assessment will indicate required construction materials to achieve a minimum standard for 'Deemed to Satisfy' provisions as set out in Section J of the NCC. 

‘Deemed to Satisfy’ requirements:

J1 – Building Fabric: Ceiling/roof, external walls and floors
J2 – Glazing
J3 – Building Sealing
J6 – Artificial Lighting
J7 – Hot Water Supply and Swimming Pool and Spa Pool Plant
J8 – Access for Maintenance and Facilities for Monitoring


A Verification Method JV3 thermal calculation reference building assessment simulates the building and compares its annual energy consumption to a complying Reference Building stipulated in the NCC.

The simulated Reference Building is simulated identically to the proposed building except for certain DTS compliant fabrics outlined in the NCC.

Contact  EES for a quote to complete a  NCC Section J report for your project. 

Electrical Services

EES can assist with design compliance documentation for Electrical Services(Power, Lighting) and Dry Fire Services for Residential and Commercial projects.